'Welcome to Chestnut Ridge, a rustic world inspired by the wide open skies of the iconic American West.' Sims. They won't have the preteen trait until they are instanced in so make sure you either play the household or visit them so they can load in. Price: £34.99 (or equivalent pricing in your country) Release Date: July 20th, 2023. Updated by on April 28th, 2023 by Gabriela Delgado: This list has been updated to reflect CBR's current publishing style and to include more information regarding essentials CAS mods for Sims 4. Look at our picks for probably the best zombie-related CC and mods for The Sims 4. vanilla TS4 game has some face scars and face markings that you can use for the zombie’s face, yet the main body markings it offers are tattoos. I fixed the issue with NPCs not turning into preteens. It’s a right disgrace these lines just work for Female Sims, on the grounds that they really sell the person. Preset is suited for Teen - Elders and all occults apart werewolves. You're able to disable this notification in the Config File or through the Preteen Settings Pie menu. A medium size body preset for female Sims. The startup notification also says the current mod version which makes mod support easier. Startup Notification: I added a startup notification with a link to the discord server for support & also a link to the mods info page. You'll also be able to shrink sims down to preteen height (even works if they aren't preteens) & reset them to their normal height. Preteen Base Settings Pie Menu: This is where you'll have the option to add/remove the preteen trait.

It also has a "Current Settings" interaction that lists out the current settings. Config Settings Pie menu: This allows you to change various settings such as the chance of having dry skin, Agespan length, Enabling Aging, Toggling the Startup Notification.